
Saturday Dec 14, 2024

Saturday Dec 14, 2024
Sometimes isolationism can be just as bad as starting new wars
Saturday Dec 14, 2024
Saturday Dec 14, 2024

Monday Oct 28, 2024
A Vote for Kamala is a vote for conservatism! Wait what?
Monday Oct 28, 2024
Monday Oct 28, 2024
How voting for Trump does not help conservatism –does it really matter if Kamala Harris isn't black? –when you don't call out extremes you are only guaranteeing that things get more extreme –conservatism is not about individual personalities

Sunday Oct 06, 2024
Fellow conservatives please wake up Part 2
Sunday Oct 06, 2024
Sunday Oct 06, 2024
in this episode I will plead with conservatives to see the long-term ramifications of our obsession with Trump

Sunday Oct 06, 2024
Fellow conservative please wake up Part 1
Sunday Oct 06, 2024
Sunday Oct 06, 2024
in this podcast I will explain to you why our obsession with Trump Will destroy conservatism for years to come.

Thursday Mar 07, 2024
My Transformational Journey with the Me Too Movement
Thursday Mar 07, 2024
Thursday Mar 07, 2024
In this radio episode, JayMac embarks on a deeply personal and candid exploration of his initial skepticism towards the Me Too Movement, before truly understanding its importance and ultimately becoming one of its advocates. This journey was prompted initially by the backlash against Bill Cosby, a man the host had long admired and respected.
The host confesses to being one of those, who would question why victims did not come forward sooner and viewed delayed accusations with suspicion. However, a hard-hitting personal encounter and extensive research into victim psychology compelled the host to reevaluate their views, leading to an awakening about the struggles of victims and the societal conditioning that often silences them.
The episode emphasizes the empowering effect of the collective voice demonstrated by the Me Too movement - giving victims the courage to stand up against their abusers without feeling alone. Expressing regret over their previous stance, the host urges others to research and understand the psyche of the abused before passing their judgment.
On a critical note, the host raises concerns about some possible overreaches of the movement which could endanger the principle of innocent until proven guilty. The episode ends with a plea to achieve a balanced approach – ensuring every allegation is treated with seriousness and every accused is given a fair chance to defend their innocence.
The episode seeks to promote understanding, empathy, and fairness in the treatment of sexual misconduct allegations. It marks an impactful journey from ignorance and skepticism to apology and understanding – a journey that hopes to influence the public’s perception of victims and the Me Too movement.

Thursday Feb 22, 2024
Random Thoughts: Unraveling Human Injustice and Society's Misconceptions
Thursday Feb 22, 2024
Thursday Feb 22, 2024
In this episode, we reflect on the irony of maintaining a healthy human body, grapple with unsettling political trends, scrutinize law enforcement procedures, clarify misinterpreted notions of patriotism, and shed light on sports culture. We end with a heart-wrenching personal story about a missing relative and the torment of unending uncertainty.
We begin with a humorous yet sharp critique of human health and fitness culture. We discuss the paradoxical measures we take to keep our bodies in shape and the bizarre dietary requirements necessary to achieve optimal health. This segues into a serious discussion highlighting concerns about burgeoning dictatorial tendencies among certain leaders who seemingly have more respect for autocrats than for the constitutional law that binds our society.
We further delve into the law enforcement process, citing its flaws, and question why certain legal practices seemingly contradict the principle of 'innocent until proven guilty.' We also express frustration at premature evidence disclosure that could potentially violate a person’s constitutional rights.
Shifting gears, we critique fans' unrealistic expectations of defense in All-Star games. We argue that these games should be about impressive shots, ingenious tactics, and shared fun rather than defensive strategies.
We then dissect the concept of patriotism, warning against its misuse to suppress diversity in thought and to instill fascist values under the guise of nationalism.
The show concludes with a personal, poignant narrative about a long-lost family member. This tale underscores the deep pain that can accompany the absence of closure and how the hope of learning the truth, no matter how slim, can be a beacon in the darkness of the unknown.

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
How I stopped being a conservative
Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
Join me in this enlightening episode as I navigate my transformative political journey, moving away from firm conservatism towards a more diversified political stance. As a once staunch believer in right-wing ideologs, I was decisively influenced by renowned figures such as Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. An avid interest in American history, the Constitution, the separation of powers, and Ronald Reagan's influence propelled me into the conservative sphere. Yet, as time passed, my perspectives began to morph.
In this intriguing narration, I explore how an enlightening college course taught by a secular humanist initiated my intellectual pivot. My beliefs now lean towards minimal federal control with more power devolved to individual states. This shift doesn't signify a capricious fluctuation in political leaning but indicates an evolved understanding of optimal governance. I emphasize local governance as a more effective tool for representative democracy and potent change.
Plunge into this absorbing discourse where the pros and cons of federalizing programs, such as Obamacare and Social Security, are dissected. Gain a deeper understanding of the Constitution and its clauses to comprehend better how a nation's power should be divided. Witness our deep dive into the heart of my evolving political ideology and its impact on my governance perspectives.
This episode commentary further outlines the transformation from conservative absolutism to a balanced political perspective. I firmly assert that the extreme polarization of contemporary politics is doing far more harm than good. Political exchange has devolved into antagonistic rivalry where disagreement with popular consensus often labels one "evil."
In this podcast, I articulate how my disillusionment with strict conservatism led me on a journey of political self-discovery, exploring my place on the broad political spectrum. Inviting like-minded listeners to join me in this intellectual expedition, I leave no stone unturned in fostering a holistic and fair understanding of the political landscape.

Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
Compelling questions about Trump and his supporters
Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
This podcast episode scrutinizes the mindset of MAGA and Trump supporters, posing serious questions about the lengths of the unwavering support they show, and whether any actions or statements from Trump could alter their opinions. A fascinating analysis is laid out exposing the contradictions between Trump being viewed as an "outsider" who will "drain the swamp," while his actions have mirrored those of standard politicians. This episode encourages listeners to question the popular rhetoric and evaluate the actions that have taken place over the last four years.
Alongside the political conversation, the host also shares a personal account of their struggles with essential tremors. They discuss how they've adapted over time thanks to technological advancements which made their life easier. He envisions this to be a ray of hope to listeners who might be going through similar conditions.
The discussion doesn't stop there. The host shares observations on parenting, the challenges associated with raising kids and the realization of how quickly time passes. This humane angle adds to the depth of the conversation and would surely resonate with many.
The episode explores a balanced perspective on politics, showing that no politician is perfect and maintaining an open dialogue can make way for meaningful discussions. The host then invites listeners to engage in a game, the aim of which is to challenge any pre-existing biases.

Monday Feb 12, 2024
An Insightful Dive into the News, Memory Issues, and Political Biases
Monday Feb 12, 2024
Monday Feb 12, 2024
In this episode, we delve into the complexities of recent newsmakers with a humorous twist. From wry commentaries on serious events to light-hearted debates about public opinion, our host showcases the often contradictory nature of political biases. Get insight into Joe Biden's alleged memory issues and the shockwaves that classified document charges have sent through the political strata. Our host shares his personal experiences in radio broadcasting, offering a chance to glimpse the behind-the-scenes dynamics of news dissemination.
This episode breaks down the notorious controversy around classified documents into an easily understandable format. Despite unpredictable technical glitches, the host's jovial demeanor remains unflustered, guiding listeners through the intriguing world of politics. If you're keen on exploring recent political happenings from a new vantage point, then this is a must-listen episode.
Shattering Political Narratives: A Battle with Essential Tremors and a Critique of Memory Recall StandardsIn an episode filled with personal revelations and sharp political critiques, our host bravely shares his struggles with essential tremors and memory recall. He addresses the unrealistic expectations surrounding perfect memory recall, pointing out the recurring memory lapses in public figures like Donald Trump as a strong case in point. The host dives into the repercussions arising from comparisons between Trump and Biden's handling of classified documents, rubbishing the concept of flawless memory recall.
Offering a critique of Trump's careless factual errors, the host recounts an anecdote involving Nikki Haley's husband and the US National Guard. He then engages in a provocative examination of Trump’s resilient political career despite glaring missteps. The host likens Trump's unyielding support base to cult-like dynamics, driving home the astounding power leaders possess, even in the face of substantial criticisms.
This episode invites listeners to introspect on their own political biases and encourages a lively dialogue in the comments section. This episode is tailored for you if you are interested in politics and want to understand it from a distinctive perspective.