Monday Apr 06, 2020
Last chance to help us get on the ballot
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
We're SO CLOSE to meeting our goal to get me on the ballot. Can you help by going to: https://www.jaymacforutah.com/signature?fbclid=IwAR1ftJLW2W8rguEZ1qzysrCwIapOZN7iwkHarK1MX3gTNKvHQsYnCyDNuLI
MUST be a registered Republican
MUST live in the 4th district (click here if you are unsure)
MUST be over 18 and eligible to vote in Utah
Click here to download and print the signature form
Sign on one of the lines and fill out completely (we invite anyone in your household that meets the above qualifications to fill out an additional line)
The form must be hand signed. A digital signature will not be accepted.
Take a picture/save file and email to morgan.pratt.robinson@gmail.com
For questions, please reach out to Morgan Pratt (801) 837-2809
We are so close to completing our signature process, but we need a few more signatures Help me secure my spot on the GOP primary ballot!
Jay Mcfarland--JayMac for short--is a Republican candidate in Utah's Fourth Congressional District. He's the former host "JayMac News Show" on KSL NewsRadio. He's an author, a PluralSight instructor, and an app developer.
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
How you can help me gather digital signatures
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
We're SO CLOSE to meeting our goal to get me on the ballot. Can you help by going to: https://www.jaymacforutah.com/signature?fbclid=IwAR1ftJLW2W8rguEZ1qzysrCwIapOZN7iwkHarK1MX3gTNKvHQsYnCyDNuLI
MUST be a registered Republican
MUST live in the 4th district (click here if you are unsure)
MUST be over 18 and eligible to vote in Utah
Click here to download and print the signature form
Sign on one of the lines and fill out completely (we invite anyone in your household that meets the above qualifications to fill out an additional line)
The form must be hand signed. A digital signature will not be accepted.
Take a picture/save file and email to morgan.pratt.robinson@gmail.com
For questions, please reach out to Morgan Pratt (801) 837-2809
We are so close to completing our signature process, but we need a few more signatures Help me secure my spot on the GOP primary ballot!
Thank you for your support,
- JayMac
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Former "The Nightside Project" host endorses JayMac
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Ethan Millard co-host of The Nightside Project endorsed me.
Together we guest host a special episode of "The JayMac Podcast."
Jay Mcfarland--JayMac for short--is a Republican candidate in Utah's Fourth Congressional District. He's the former host "JayMac News Show" on KSL NewsRadio. He's an author, a PluralSight instructor, and an app developer.
Friday Feb 14, 2020
What can you do to sacrifice for this campaign?
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Guest host: Dave Long--Finance Chair:
My BIGGEST FEAR is we'll look back in a year from now with a Congressman who doesn't represent you. We'll REGRET not STEPPING UP NOW AND DIGGING IN DEEP TO DONATE because not enough people supported Jay's campaign.
My biggest fear is that if Jay doesn't become the next Congressperson, any hope that we have to restore civility will be gone forever. JAY MCFARLAND IS OUR LAST CHANCE TO FIX THE DIVIDE IN WASHINGTON D.C.
Jay is polling 15% higher than any other Republican contender, so the chances of him being the next Congressperson is huge IF ONLY HE CAN GET ON THE BALLOT. There's a big chance that he can't afford the signatures to get on the Republican Primary Ballot. On the flip side, Jay's contenders who have self-funded their own campaigns who have no name recognition have a BIGGER CHANCE of getting on the ballot because they can afford it.
Let's be frank--the max you can donate to Jay's campaign is $8,400. But we're not a campaign built on $8,400 donations, we're a campaign of people who have donated to the uncomfortable amount that's unique to each of them. One elderly woman on fixed income donated $400 and gathered signatures with her arthritis in the snow and the cold. I imagine that $400 donation and signature gathering was more uncomfortable for her to give to Jay than it was for me to give $8,400. WE JUST NEED MORE DONATIONS AND VOLUNTEERS. My kids can't financially donate to Jay's campaign. However, they've given up countless hours to gather signatures for Jay. I couldn't be more proud of them and their hard work.
If I don't give EVERYTHING TO THIS CAMPAIGN I'm afraid it will haunt me forever.
-Dave Long, JayMac for Utah Finance Chair
Jay Mcfarland--JayMac for short--is a candidate in Utah's Fourth Congressional District. He's the former host "JayMac News Show" on KSL NewsRadio. He's an author, a PluralSight instructor, and an app developer.
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
"Fearless Honesty:" My tell-all book is coming out soon
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
My new autobiography is coming out soon! Also, we need volunteers ASAP!
If you value my guiding principles please clicking here to donate to the JayMac Keystone Club by following this link: JAYMACFORUTAH.COM/DONATE
Jay Mcfarland--JayMac for short--is a candidate in Utah's Fourth Congressional District. He's the former host "JayMac News Show" on KSL NewsRadio. He's an author, a PluralSight instructor, and an app developer.
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Am I Trump flip flop?
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Am I a President Donald Trump flip flop? That's the question I keep getting asked since I announced I was running against Rep. Ben McAdams.
Keep in mind I'm not a talkshow host any longer. I'm now running for Congress as a Republican.
During my time at KSL News Radio I would speak vocally about the news of the day including President Trump--the good, the bad & the ugly. That's why Trump would come up a lot.
But now I'm running for Congress so my formating for my podcasts and content has changed a bit. Why? Because I'm running in a Republican primary. Right now my job is to show Conservatives why I should be the Republican nominee in the 4th District. I'm striving to highlight my commonalities with fellow Republicans.
But none of my core beliefs or philosophies changed.
I have always supported Pres. Tump when my principles allow me to do so with issues like the opioid crisis, tax reform, trade, impeachment, etc.
What do you think? Do you think my support is insincere? Why or why not?
If you value my guiding principles please clicking here to donate to the JayMac Keystone Club by following this link: http://jaymcfarland.com/keystone.html
Jay Mcfarland--JayMac for short--is a candidate in Utah's Fourth Congressional District. He's the former host "JayMac News Show" on KSL NewsRadio. He's an author, a PluralSight instructor, and an app developer.
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Fearless honesty about signature gathering
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Here's my fearless honesty about why the signature-gathering process is insane.
If you'd like to help us gather signatures, visit JayMacForUtah.com/Volunteer.
If you value my guiding principles please clicking here to donate to the JayMac Keystone Club by following this link: http://jaymcfarland.com/keystone.html
Jay Mcfarland--JayMac for short--is a candidate in Utah's Fourth Congressional District. He's the former host "JayMac News Show" on KSL NewsRadio.
Monday Dec 16, 2019
McAdams' pro-impeachment stance is an outrage
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Monday Dec 16, 2019
I was very disappointed today to learn Representative Ben McAdams will be voting to impeach President Donald Trump.
As many of you know, I have supported President Trump on several key issues, and I have disagreed with other decisions he has made. But the choice to impeach any president is much bigger than the person who currently holds the office. We must think about the future implications of how all future presidents will be treated. We must protect the highest office in the land from a highly politicized process. Let me tell you why I do not support the impeachment of our Commander-in-Chief.
A donation to my campaign is a donation to fight against the Democrats' politically motivated attack against President Donald Trump.
Is Ben McAdams backed into a corner and has to unite with the politicized #Dems? Or do you believe there's enough evidence to continue with the impeachment proceedings? Why or why not?
DONATE: http://jaymcfarland.com/keystone.html
#impeachment #impeach #benmcadams #benmcadams #utpol #utgop #gop #jaymachasyourback #turningtalkintoaction
Friday Dec 13, 2019
Why "Civil War" chills me to the bone
Friday Dec 13, 2019
Friday Dec 13, 2019
I've heard the term "Civil War" three or four times this week. People have told me that they feel like they're in a Civil War.
Really? We've gotten so emotional that we can't handle having a real discussion.
We need to choose representatives who can actually defend their beliefs without personal attacks. I don't think we need to resort to a Civil War.
We need to fight in the arena of ideas and change hearts and minds. We can return to civility.
If you value my guiding principles please clicking here to donate to the JayMac Keystone Club by following this link: http://jaymcfarland.com/keystone.html
Jay Mcfarland--JayMac for short--is a candidate in Utah's Fourth Congressional District. He's the former host "JayMac News Show" on KSL NewsRadio.
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Why I'm running for Congress
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Why am I running for Congress? Tune in to find out.
If you value my guiding principles please clicking here to donate to the JayMac Keystone Club by following this link: http://jaymcfarland.com/keystone.html
If you want to buy one of my books, "Joyful Marriage," "Joyful Parents," or "Joyful Leaders," click here.
Jay Mcfarland--JayMac for short--is a candidate in Utah's Fourth Congressional District. He's the former host "JayMac News Show" on KSL NewsRadio.